Ayurveda Distant learning

In association with Herbo-Veda Ayurveda foundation we are offering six months distant learning Ayurveda therapist training program in the theory, techniques and application of Ayurveda treatments as well as education classes.

There are many different branches of Ayurveda because it covers so many aspects of health and healing, while background of Anatomy and Physiology. This course consists of five study modules used in India’s finest colleges of Ayurveda as well as practical training of Ayurveda treatments.

These modules cover the basic principles of Ayurveda, theory of five elements, Dosha theory, Agni – tissues, individual’s constitution, Ayurveda nutrition, digestion, assimilation, Ayurveda disease management and procedures of Ayurveda treatments as well as the knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology.

Course Description
Study of Ayurveda is the foundation of the educational program offered at the institute. It is designed as a thorough introduction to the medical science of Ayurveda for the students. There are many different branches of Ayurveda because it covers so many aspects of health and healing, while a background of Anatomy and Physiology and medical terminology is quite helpful. Additionally, there are many Sanskrit terms and new concepts in the training program. The first module covers the basic principles of Ayurveda, the second module addresses the Ayurveda philosophy, nutrition, causes of imbalance, disease and assessment, third module offers Ayurveda management and rejuvenation, fourth module consists of Anatomy and Physiology, fifth module consists of procedure of Ayurveda treatments.

Introduction to Ayurveda philosophy and theory

The traditional wisdom of Ayurveda – the meaning of Ayurveda, the mythology of Ayurveda, the Ayurveda theory of creation, aim of Ayurveda and principles of Ayurveda.
Theory of five elements (Panchamahabhutas) – space, air, fire, water and earth, properties and their functions
Dosha theory
Functional principles in the biological systems
Vata Dosha- its properties, functions, the effect when increased or decreased
Pitta Dosha - its properties, functions, the effect when increased or decreased
Kapha Dosha - its properties, functions, the effect when increased or decreased
Agni and tissues
Agni – its concept subtypes and the process of digestion
Introduction of Dhatus (tissues) – introduction of seven Dhatus and transformation of dhatus – Rasa (Plasma), Rakta (Blood), Mansa (Muscles), Meda (Fat),Asthi (Bones), Majja (Marrow) and Shukra/ Artava(Reproductive Tissue)

Individual constitution

Prakrati – balance of Dosha
Vikrati – imbalance of Dosha
Importance of constitution
Aggravation of doshas and their management
Ayurveda nutrition
Six tastes – sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent – their properties, source, effect of Doshas actions and disorders
Digestion and Assimilation
Agni (digestive fire), Rasa (taste), Virya (energy), Vipak (post digestive effect), and Prabhava.

Introduction to Ayurveda management

Chikitsa (managing disorders utilizing various methods)
Sapta shamanam (seven palliative measures)
Shodhana (Panchakarma cleansing measures)
Purvakarma – includes preparatory measures such as Pachana, Snehana and Swedana – their definition, procedure and benefits.
Pradhan karma – the main five treatments such as Vamana, Virechana, Sneha Vasti, Kashya Vasti and Nasya - their definition, procedure and benefits.
Paschata Karma – describes the measures employed after the treatment, diet medicines and lifestyle.

It consists of Anatomy and Physiology of different body systems.
Anatomy and Physiology I concentrates on the muscular, skeletal, and integumentary systems of the body. Students are introduced to the major muscle groups including their attachments and actions. The course also provides an overview of all the systems in the body.
Anatomy and Physiology II continues with an in-depth study of the systems of the body.
Unit II concentrates on the central nervous, cardiovascular, and lymphatic systems. The course also introduces the use of Anatomy and Physiology in clinical evaluations
Anatomy and Physiology III completes the in-depth study of the structure and function of the body. Unit III concentrates on the respiratory, endocrine, and digestive systems with a comprehensive review of all body systems.

Introduction of Ayurveda treatments

Abhyanga – method and benefits
Shirodhara – method and benefits
Poultices massage – method and benefits
Udwarthana – method and benefits
Sarvang dhara – method and benefits
Panchakarma treatments – method and benefits